Landing Pages and Inbound Marketing

Destination pages are fundamental elements of your Inbound Marketing strategy. This is the page to which the user is directed when he clicks on a link. It is therefore strategic to turn a contact, which shows interest in your business, lead.
Social networks are a great way to target your buyer’s persona to attract them to your landing pages. Facebook knows it and also offers several advertising formats that help you gather the details of potential customers.
But as this news shows us, if the social network puts at your disposal the necessary to attract prospects, it will prevent you from doing it at any price. And that's good! You know why? To be effective, a landing page must be clear, focus on a single offer, provide essential information about your services and convince the user of the quality of your business.
A landing page with low quality content or advertisements that divert the main message is very unlikely to convert a user. Moreover, it gives a very bad image of your company...
So, just as much follow good practices and build a landing page focused on the needs of your buyer’s persona. You'll increase the ROI of your Inbound Marketing campaign, stay on top of Facebook and grow your business more easily with qualified leads!

Landing pages banned by Facebook
Low quality landing pages are banned by Facebook. But how does the social network identify these pages?
Facebook considers landing pages to be of poor quality when they:
  • Contains too many ads in relation to content
  • Display unwanted pop-ups
  • Display interstitial ads
  • Do not respect cookie policies
  • Contain inappropriate content (sexual, shocking, racist, violent, etc.)
  • Disseminate false or malicious information

If a landing page matches one or more of these criteria, it will automatically be downgraded to Facebook's News Feed. In addition, the social network will prevent this post can be boosted.
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