Inbound Marketing: 5 reasons to go to guest-blogging

The Inbound Marketing approach is based on the principle of bringing the customers to you. To do this, you need to boost your visibility with a qualified target. To achieve this, you know that it means producing content. However, if publishing on your business blog is effective, sharing a forum on a reference blog in your field is also very relevant. As well as welcoming an expert from your sector ... This practice is called "guest-blogging".

To better understand this strategy and make you aware of its interest, we propose 5 reasons to put you to guest-blogging as part of your Inbound Marketing strategy!

The principle of guest-blogging
Guest-blogging translates into the writing of content by an external blogger. In general, he is a professional expert in his field of activity. You can be this expert and post on another blog, or host an important author. For the performance of your Inbound Marketing, we recommend that you choose the two solutions!
Using this method, you can take advantage of the reputation of the guest editor or the blog you are publishing to attract a new audience. Obviously, this technique can only work if your guest-blogging is done with partners who work on your sector of activity. The goal is to reach your buyers persona, as always in Inbound Marketing.
For example, if you have a brand of baby clothes, it is recommended to communicate on parent blogs, but also with media like You can also target brands that are in another area dedicated to children: baby food brands, toys, diapers, nursery furniture, and so on.
You are certain that the communities of these sites are similar to yours and will allow you to increase your visibility with potential customers.
Now that you better understand the principle of guest-blogging, it is time to analyze the 5 benefits of this strategy on your Inbound Marketing.

1. Increase your visibility
Have you ever noticed, on all the communication channels, that some companies are unavoidable? That their content is systematically retweeted or shared? That their name is on everyone's lips and that your contacts know them?
Guest - blogging, through the publication of new and quality content on different blogs increases its exposure on social networks: you share the article, your community shares it in turn; the blog on which you published or the guest editor shares the article on its social networks, its subscribers do the same.
A dynamic is set up, which allows your article to increase its visibility and, consequently, your company / brand to boost its reputation. Especially since these numerous publications on social networks generate conversations and exchanges in which you can participate. This helps to strengthen your reputation and your image as an expert.

2. Acquire leads
By regularly publishing content on blogs related to your industry, you reach your own audience, but also the communities federated around these blogs. As a result, you are expanding your own community.
A new audience is discovering you. This one probably does not know you, but they judge your articles relevant and interesting, since these enlighten them on a need, an objective or a problematic that they meet.
This new audience, aware of your value, is therefore more inclined to consult your website and browse your funnel conversion. In the end, it's your prospect base that grows up.

3. Position yourself as an expert
Developing a consistent guest-blogging strategy allows you to position yourself as an expert on your theme. You can, very quickly, become THE essential reference of your sector of activity.
Your reputation is, in fact, associated with your expertise, regardless of the communication channel on which you publish content. This practice is a major asset to develop your personal brand and assert your authority.
It is also an efficient technique to convince mature prospects, at the end of the conversion tunnel, to find the most qualified company to meet their needs.

4. Establish relationships
By offering your services to a company that operates in the same industry as yours, you value its community. In addition, you take a little workload off their Content Marketing. This type of initiative allows you to establish selfless relationships with companies in your field.
In the future, you can expect a reciprocal gesture from them. This reciprocity can mean posting articles on your blog, sharing one of your important content and even acquiring leads. This company, which has already collaborated with you and knows your seriousness, will be more likely to recommend you to its customers or partners in search of your services.

5. Improve your SEO
Among the strategic axes of Inbound Marketing, you will find natural referencing. You know, this method allows you to position yourself on keywords to attract qualified Internet users to your website.
Guest-blogging is one of the most effective methods to improve your SEO. This netlinking technique allows you to get back links to your website. However, they have a strong power of recommendation to Google. They prove your authority in the field, which encourages the search engine to put your site up in its results.
In addition, by modifying your content to adapt to the blogs on which you publish as a guest-blogger, you can also use this opportunity to reference your website on new keywords. You create new entry points on your landing pages. For more detail and get SEO services please visit here: SEO Services in Lahore
SEO Services in Lahore


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